Monday, April 5, 2010

Now that's what I call Powerpoint 17!

Hello loyal followers,
During the past couple of days in class we have been presenting Powerpoints to each other and there were a couple that I took a particular liking to. Abby Talley's presentation on radiation warning levels was extremely impressive in that it not only kept the attention of the audience but also was quite informative. It showed off Abby's future presentation which to many would be hard to present due to its depth but not to Abby! Despite never liking to have fun, Abby brought a detailed subject matter to life, blooming with excitement and clarity. Another presentation that knocked my socks off was that of Moira Allen. Moira presented on being a museum curator, speaking specifically of The McNay and Witte museums in San Antonio. Moira's presentation stood out for its awesome animations and inviting colors. Moira was Steve Jobs to an audience of eager fans. Lush colors kept everyone's eyes glued to the screen as Moira serenaded us with words of exhibits and the such. Well done ladies, you're making me proud.
Shake on my children,
Travis "why does Abby look at me like that, doesn't she know I have a girlfriend?" Halff

1 comment:

  1. Dear Travis,

    Your presentation was truly a herding of the masses through one gate towards the shake weight. Captivating, nicely done Halff.
